
 Message to COVID-19

You bum. You think you’re nineteen and young.
You’ll be done way before twenty and you’ll no way make one.
Listen up, you son of a bitch. We’ve already won.
‘Cause you can’t stop what we see in our head.

We see ballets and barbecue, people in bars.
We see crowds in theaters, restaurant eaters, full street cars.
In our head we see smiles for miles, and spaceships to mars.
You can’t stop it. Hell, you’re already dead.

You think we’re locked down? If so, you’re a clown.
You ain’t a subject.  You’re nothing.  Not even a noun.
You hear them hounds? You gonna’ get run outta’ town.
When we close our eyes we see it all in our head.

We see playgrounds with children and mothers and more.
We see coming together of white, black, brown, yellow, and poor.
You may win some battles but never the war.
You’re way behind and we’re way ahead.

We see traffic jams, and rock star fans, and eighty thousand clappin hands.
We see Broadway bands, and spring break tans, and hot bodies on hot sands.
In our mind we hear the roar of the crowd in football stands.
We don’t even need to get out of bed.

We see crowded boats, and July floats, and cowboys herding horses eating oats.
We see lover’s notes, in person votes, and sexy women modeling coats.
In our mind, we see smiles in totes, knights on moats, and nursing heroes riding goats.
You can’t stop what we see in our head.

We see kids in rain, (a puddle’s pain), and weddings from Memphis to Maine.
We see New York sane as they make a gain. Now it’s your turn to feel some pain.
In our mind last night we partied down all right.  We even danced a train.

You got nothin’
when it’s all done and said.
We’re really somethin’
when we choose life instead.