

Practice we say is impracticable
when nukes, that they say, only tactical,
are launched with no worries climactical
- by these generals insane practic’ly.

Though math’matically practicable,
the president has gone fanatical!
He’s waving his mani’cal digital.
- (nuts as a loon, it’s a fact actu’ly…)

He’s backed by a party judgmatical;
whose image of God to them logical
in looking like them as the actual,
- (and hating who aren’t the same actu’ly…)

So we’re off to go on sabbatical
and think of return as not practical.
It seems we were thought of as radical,
- to think each new boss, the same SOB.

The nukes we were told hypothetical,
( while brushed off as being dramatical ),
arrived in a way that was tragical.
- which means all that’s left is an elegy..