
“One Eyed Jack” by Jack Kimball

Jack’s love spoke quick “That’s it this time!”
and Jack yelled back with, “I don’t mind!”
His queen of hearts walked out to find
- a man who’s inside straight.

With each day empty more than last,
Jack looked to cards for what’s not past,
so dealt a hand to learn what’s asked..
- two aces and two eights?

The dead man’s hand! It raised a flush.
Jack tried to fold. It hurt so much.
Why live a life that no love touched?
- Was death his only fate?

But Diamond Jim then joined the game!
said, “Let’s be honest and not claim
Jack failed in spades but didn’t aim
- to turn his love to hate.”

So from Jack’s heart with one eye left
he pried the buried ace he’d kept
to pair the queen of hearts - except
- he needed one last date.

Gathering aces now to four
Jack prayed his love would trade them for
the heart she had and something more,
- the ring to be his mate.

So yes she dealt her lover in,
though firm in what she’d asked of him,
he’d love her royal, flushed again.
- and most of all stay straight!