
“PLEASE DON’T SAY SIR” by Jack Kimball

Excuse me good folks, I heard you say “sir”. 
If you don’t mind, can you tell me why? 
I don’t remember earning that name,
and you’re looking while looking away. 

And then I see they’re echos, these people on the street
They bow and wink and even curtsey when I speak
and for the moment I don’t know what to say
and I can’t deny respect, respect aimed right at me.

So they call me sir and ask me why I’m low.
The truth is I tell them, it’s when you call me “sir”.
It’s the name that hurts, the name that digs inside
It’s the name you just called me.  The name of “sir”.

You don’t mean nothing by it.  It’s a sign of respect.
I didn’t even notice for the last year or two.
But now when I hear it.  I know what it means
It reminds you that you, will someday face death.

I remember meeting people and they didn’t look away.
I think I’m a reflection of what they had to say.
So you can call me man, and you can call me hey,
but one thing’s for sure just don’t call me “sir”.

My mind is twenty-six, I know my place in line.
I see my hair as wavy, I see my hair is black
I see my eyes aren’t sagging. Hell, they’re not even mine
But you’re looking at me like you’re looking away.

I’m just showing up and it seems to me,
this place is awful crowded, but empty for me.
and I’ve stayed too late and It’s time to go home; 
there’s this ache down here, deep down here inside.
I know I can’t dance.  I know I have to go.
Your faces are new, faces known are dead.

You can’t paint happy on the color of blue,
and where I’m going I really don’t mind
and you’re damn good folks, better than fine.
But before I go I’ve got a favor of you.
Before I go I’ve got one last thing to ask.
Please call me Jack, please call me Bill
But one thing’s for sure is please don’t say “sir”.