
 Spoiler Alert

I looked upon an edge the greatest signature of man.
I found the oft saught answer in the wind
I went to the mountain, and came back.

I felt like senses exploding the first time
An orange bursting on your teeth, 
A lemon squeezed. Remember?
The essence of that lemon.
Dripping  on your tongue? The surprise;

Or seeing stars laid out in rhapsody?
Maybe crossing that mountain pass back then.
Did you think of heaven?
And there. Look there. A shooting star.
Remember? Did you make a wish?

Or hearing thunder clapped? God was moving furniture.
Remember those lazy Sunday afternoons;
the smell of rain before the drops would fall;
damp, electric;
the singular splash of drops on plastic furniture;
the deluge. 

Yes. Profound, the absolute thing we seek, 
The it.
The answer there so simple all this time.
And yet to share, to be magnanimous, is unfair.
To cheat you of what only few will know.
To chart the northwest passage in the mind 
To be discovered, now found,
seems selfish even brutal;

So I, by your side, will share your joy
and envy your first time feeling of the breaking through.
You will weep in your ah ha moment,
and so will I -
For me, I imagine the sharing of the ocean
to a child the first time, the wonder in their eyes
Crashing, folding waves. Grey clouds forever;
Cold rain pelting on your face; 
then whomp,  
that seventh wave pounds.

or anticipate your reading what, I know,
will be your best book ever, but infinitely more;
and I’ll watch your face enthralled in that first page.
The joy I’ll feel looking on;
my excitement in knowing what is to come for you;
To bath myself in your discovery.

no, I will not take that away 
I will not let you feel, see, be cheated of your own exuberance.