
“to you in time” by Jack Kimball

Where you woke from open eyelids of the morn
we once stood, and saw same miracle be born;
the season’s gold, and how the grass holds dew,
(on colored ground a symphony in flower).
We also felt a hand that self-same hour.

And though there may be years or endless eons
since we passed and you in life live on,
know we favored love and vowed anew;
for we no perfect love or perfect form
still saw in perfect light - our love adorned.

Not so very different than you know,
your claim to stars is equal to our own.
You’ll think that faults when laid by them are you,
and trace a comet’s tail to hope you’ll find
a land where fate of men and hate - don’t rhyme.

You’ll thank your family, friends, and loved ones.
You’ll toast, you’ll feast, you’ll know before you’re done;
that those due kindness most, - most kindness do;
and though there’s wealth in owning what you’ve earned,
there’s greater pride - in living lessons learned.

Someday you’ll tire. Like us you’ll wade to shore
and bid farewell the tide to distant hour;
and say, as we, upon the sand, - adieu.
Time will pass. Loved ones will think of you and mourn,
And they in turn will love the not yet born;
for they, within each eye, finds us. - And you.