
 “Trust” by Jack Kimball

Come sit down, I’ve got a story to tell,
here by the fire, the stars, and the sea.
Truth is I’m old and not too well,
so you’ll find in these words a plea.
My body’s past mending
but it’s your ears I’ll be bending
- about love, my Linda, and me.

It was love at first sight and it set me free,
but she resisted the words and the feeling.
She hurt far more than sad and was hiding from me,
the fear that was holding her healing.
She swore our love fatal
having known men in betrayal,
- who had broken my love to be.

It’s true I gave Linda on bended knee
a promise I asked her to trust.
She said, “eventually”,
but in the meantime she’d do what she must.
So you, you’ll do fine
if you know words can be blind.
- but in your life live trust-worthy.

Love is precious, on that we agree.
and for me it came once and was mine.
This love of ours, for infinity,
rides a star where both of us shine.
My love in Linda is the only one;
and without her there’d sure be none.
- It’s the love she can trust in me.